Amazon Q4 Selling BOLO Group 2023! - DOORS ARE CLOSED

WOW! Did that just happen!? 

The doors are officially closed for Q4 2023 as we reached our 200-member max in just 3 days!

There’s good news though! 

You can still hang out with me and other awesome sellers in the Retail Arbitrage BOLO Group!

BOLO Sharing Requirements:

When you join, you are expected to share one BOLO per calendar month. It must fit the following requirements: 

  • You must be able to sell it yourself. You cannot be in any way restricted. 
  • The rank must be 150,000 or better (lower). In any main category is fine.
  • Minimum of $5 profit & 50% ROI FBA. Shelf price, you do not need to add in sales tax or shipping price for this calculation.
  • It cannot be a clearance buy. While saving any money means more profit, clearance is harder for the rest of the group to source so it must be a regular-priced item from any store. 
  • Amazon cannot be selling it at the time you scanned it.
  • Must be a recent find. Within the last 30 days.