Sold Out for 2024....
The doors are officially closed for Q4 2024
There’s good news though!
You can still hang out with me and other awesome sellers in the Retail Arbitrage BOLO Group!

4th Annual Q4 BOLO Group
Selling on Amazon in Q4 is the best time of the year and it’s so much more fun with friends!! That’s why I created the Q4 Amazon Selling BOLO Group, to help both new and experienced sellers get the most out of this fun, and crazy time of the year!
Share what you are finding and hear from other sellers just like yourself on what they are chasing. I don’t know about you, but I don’t spend a lot of time on social media, so I don’t always see what the hot new toy is or that viral product that’s selling like hot cakes. That’s why it’s so important to have a whole like-minded community out there to help you!
From TMNT costumes, to Limited-Edition Tech Decks, and Barbie Corvettes – there’s always something to chase throughout Q4 so you need all the eyes and ears you can get!
You do not have to feel totally alone in your Amazon business this Q4!
This group is interactive, helpful, and encouraging. It’s your personal Amazon support group in addition to sharing profitable leads.
Get answers to questions, stop the cycle of endless scanning, and learn from others with tips and tricks to grow your Amazon business profits this year! BOLOs will give your shopping trips more focus during this grueling season.
This years group is bigger and better than ever!
BOLO Sharing Requirements:
When you join, you are expected to share one BOLO per calendar month. It must fit the following requirements:
- You are not gated in the product.
- The rank is 150,000 or lower in any main Amazon category.
- It makes a minimum of $5 profit & 50% ROI for Amazon FBA. Shelf price, you do not need to add in sales tax or shipping price for this calculation.
- It cannot be a clearance buy. Regular price from any store including TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Walmart or limited-time sale price from any store is accepted when you share the sale end date.
- Amazon is not selling it.
- If it has an expiration date, it must be 120 days in the future.
- Must be a recent find within the last 30 days.

What’s Included:
4 Months of BOLOs throughout Q4 (August 25 – Dec 31)
8 Zoom Coaching and Q&A Calls (Every other Wednesday* starting 9/4)
All 3 US Ungating Guides Including Toys, Topicals, Grocery, OTC, and Premium Brands like Adidas and Under Armour.
Amazon FBM Customer Return Templates.
Amazon Plan of Action Templates for IP and Counterfeit complaints.
The Retail Arbitrage Guide to Q4 2024
2 Holiday Party Hangouts with Giveaways totaling over $2000!
Step-by-Step walk through of how to create your own bundles and product listings.

Choose how to join!
One-time payment – or two, monthly payments

Frequently Asked Questions:
The 2024 Live calls will be every other Wednesday at 8pm EST/5pm PST with one exception the week of Thanksgiving. All calls are recorded so you can watch again or catch the replay if you aren’t able to make it. They last anywhere from 2-3 hours each.
#1 – Wednesday, Sept 4th
#2 – Wednesday, Sept 18th
#3 – Wednesday, Oct 2nd
#4 – Wednesday, Oct 16th
#5 – Wednesday, Oct 30th – Halloween Party!
#6 – Wednesday, Nov 13th
#7 – Tuesday, Nov 26th
#8 – Wednesday, Dec 11th – Holiday Party!
You can choose whichever one is best for you, you can even be in both! Both groups have the same sharing requirements, here is what’s different between the two.
Q4 Selling BOLO Group: One-time purchase and only 4 months of BOLOs. Includes 8 live coaching calls including how to make bundles and your own listings. Includes all my ungating guides, seller templates and the Retail Arbitrage Guide to Q4.
Regular Retail Arbitrage BOLO Group: Monthly membership fee of $89. No coaching or live calls in Q4. Includes 3 ungating guides.
OA Sellers are welcome! The leads will likely be a mix, and probably more Retail Arbitrage so please consider this before joining.
If you have been selling on Amazon and sent in a shipment, you should be able to find something to share! If you are really worried about it, the group might not be for you or you might want to try the Retail Arbitrage BOLO Group first.
Sorry, the Q4 BOLO Group won’t offer any discounts on pricing due to the nature and smaller size of the group.
Please read through all the requirements and email me if you have questions before joining. Due to the nature of the group, no refunds are given, even if you leave.
Unfortunately, I am only allowing one member per purchase but you are welcome to share the lead list with them and/or join with a joint Facebook account.
This is a United States Retail Arbitrage group so unfortunately, the leads will not be helpful to our Canadian or international friends. For that reason it is only open to US based sellers.