Amazon Sellers, How to Appeal an A-to-Z Claim

Dealing with an A-to-Z claim can be frustrating and intimidating for Amazon sellers. However, Amazon’s claims processes are designed to protect both customers and sellers, keep transactions fair, and resolve issues efficiently. While Amazon A-to-Z claims can feel daunting, understanding how the process works is crucial a successful Amazon seller.

As an independent retailer selling on Amazon, handling returns and dealing with occasional losses is part of the business. Returns are inevitable, and while they can be disappointing, it’s a manageable aspect of retail. 

Fortunately, Amazon provides some relief by offering some reimbursement for certain returns. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about A-to-Z claims as an Amazon seller, as well as how to appeal an A-to-Z claim. By understanding these processes, you can better navigate the challenges and protect your business on Amazon.

What is an Amazon A-to-Z Claim?

An Amazon A-to-Z Claim is a policy designed to protect buyers and ensure they receive their purchases on time and in the expected condition. A-to-Z claims apply specifically to Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers, where the seller is responsible for shipping the product directly to the buyer.

A critical tip for FBM sellers is always to purchase shipping through Amazon. Doing so provides extra protection if something goes wrong during the shipping. 

What is the Difference Between an Amazon A-to-Z Claim & a Safe-T Claim?

While an A-to-Z claim primarily protects the buyer, a Safe-T claim is designed to protect Amazon sellers. The Safe-T (Seller Assurance for E-Commerce Transactions) claim process helps sellers recover costs when Amazon issues refunds to customers on the seller’s behalf, particularly if Amazon mistakenly granted the refund.

Safe-T claims are essential for sellers facing fraudulent returns, returns outside the return window, or situations involving incorrect or missing items. This policy assists sellers in reclaiming funds for these and other issues that could otherwise result in financial losses.

Sellers can file Safe-T claims through Seller Central. Provide relevant documentation to support the case, including pictures, shipping labels, delivery proofs, and any other information pertinent to the claim. By leveraging the Safe-T claim process, sellers can protect their business against unfair refunds and other complications.

What is the Impact of an A-to-Z Claim on an Amazon Seller?

Suppose a customer files an A-to-Z claim with Amazon for any reason other than carrier issues. In that case, the claim can negatively impact the Amazon seller’s account if Amazon grants the buyer’s claim. Specifically, the claim impacts Amazon sellers’ order defect rate (ODR), a critical metric that Amazon uses to assess sellers’ performance and reliability.

To protect your account health, attempt to resolve any issues directly with the buyer first. Use the Buyer-Seller Messages tool to communicate with customers. Try to professionally address their concerns and find a resolution before they resort to filing a claim. Proactive and responsive customer service reduces claims likelihood and maintains a strong seller account standing.

A-to-Z Claim When the Carrier is at Fault

The customer can file an A-to-Z claim if the shipping carrier damages or loses an item. In this case, the customer receives a refund, the seller gets reimbursed, and Amazon takes on the responsibility of recovering the funds from the shipping carrier. 

A-to-Z Claim When the Seller is at Fault

If a customer lodges an A-to-Z claim with Amazon when the seller is at fault, it will negatively affect the seller’s account’s health. 

While processing an A-Z claim, Amazon may request additional information via email and Seller Central. Responding to these requests within 72 hours is crucial to prevent Amazon from automatically granting the claim to the customer.

You can respond through Amazon Seller Central. Select “Performance” and then “A-Z Guarantee Claim.” Find the “Action Required” tab (the default tab), choose the relevant claim, and select “Respond to Amazon”.

A-to-Z Claims For Late Deliveries

Amazon sometimes issues A-to-Z claims to customers whose items were delivered late. If the item still arrives within 30 days of the claim refund date, Amazon will contact the customer to request that they either cancel the refund or return the item. In these cases, the seller does not need to take any action; Amazon will handle the communication with the customer and keep the seller updated on the situation.

Always ship orders on time to avoid late delivery claims and provide a valid tracking number. Consistent, timely shipping helps guarantee customer satisfaction. It reduces the likelihood of A-to-Z claims related to late deliveries, which will, in turn, keep your account health in good standing.

How Amazon Sellers Can Avoid A-to-Z Claims

Being a proactive, communicative seller goes a long way to avoiding A-Z claims. Here are some measures Amazon sellers can take to prevent claims and keep buyers happy:

Amazon A-to-Z Claim Outcomes

The resolution of an Amazon A-to-Z claim can vary according to the seller’s and Amazon’s circumstances and actions. Here are the possible outcomes:

1. Seller Provides a Full Refund:

If the seller agrees to provide a full refund as part of the resolution process, it may impact the seller’s account health, particularly if the claim was upheld due to seller error or negligence.

2. Amazon Investigation:

Amazon will investigate and decide whether to grant the customer’s claim. It bases its decision on various factors, including evidence provided by the seller and the circumstances surrounding the claim.

3. Automatic Granting of the Claim to the Customer:

 In specific cases where the seller did not respond to the customer, failed to ship the item on time, did not provide a refund within five days of receiving the return, or experienced returns lost in transit, Amazon may automatically grant the claim to the customer without further investigation.

4. Customer Withdraws Claim:

If the customer voluntarily withdraws the A-to-Z claim, it typically does not hurt the seller’s account health.

5. Instant Customer Refunds:

Amazon may issue instant refunds to customers under certain circumstances. These include instances where the order tracking indicates that the item is returned to the seller, if the seller has not shipped the order by the time the customer files the claim, if the Amazon seller account was closed, or if the Amazon seller account was deactivated.

Understanding these potential outcomes will help you better navigate the A-to-Z claim process and take appropriate actions to protect your Amazon seller account’s health and reputation.

Can an Amazon Seller Remove an A-to-Z Claim?

If warranted, an Amazon seller can appeal an A-to-Z claim. There are specific scenarios where appealing the claim is justified, such as:

  • If the product the customer returns is not the product you sent them.
  • If the product the customer returns has been used and cannot be resold.

By providing evidence to support your appeal, you can potentially remove the A-to-Z claim, restoring your account health and reducing the impact on your seller metrics.

How to Appeal an Amazon A-to-Z Claim

Sellers have 30 days to appeal and provide new information for their case. During this time, Amazon will re-investigate the claim and decide whether to reverse the initial decision, either in part or whole.

Thorough documentation and timely responses are key to presenting a compelling A-to-Z claim appeal case. First, gather evidence, photos, and documentation to support your appeal. Documentation may include images of the original product sent, shipping labels, delivery proofs, and any relevant communication with the customer.

To initiate an appeal, navigate to the “Option to Appeal” tab within the A-Z Guarantee Claim section of Seller Central and select “Appeal decision.”

If Amazon requests additional information, you must respond within 72 hours. For any other correspondence, check Seller Central. 

A successful Amazon A-to-Z claim appeal removes negative impacts on your account health and/or reimburses the refund amount. However, keep in mind that the process can take up to 7 days for reimbursement.

If you don’t appeal in 30 days, the claim will be closed, and the claim’s impact to the Amazon seller account cannot be reversed.

Amazon A-to-Z Claim Appeal Template

Once you’ve initiated an Amazon A-to-Z Claim appeal, ensure your appeal is detailed and informative. Here is a sample template Amazon sellers can use to appeal an A-to-Z claim:

Dear Amazon Seller Support Team,

I am writing to appeal the A-to-Z Guarantee Claim [Claim ID: XXXXXXXX] filed by [Customer Name] regarding Order [Order ID: XXXXXXXX]. I respectfully request a review of this claim based on the following information and evidence:

Order Details:

  • Order ID: XXXXXXXX
  • Product Name: [Product Name]
  • Purchase Date: [Purchase Date]
  • Shipping Date: [Shipping Date]
  • Delivery Date: [Delivery Date]
  • Reason for Appeal: [Provide a brief explanation of why you believe the claim is unjustified. For example, if the customer returned a different product, if the product was used and cannot be resold, or if the customer’s complaint is inaccurate.]

Supporting Evidence:

  • Photos: Attached are photos of the product that was shipped to the customer and the product that was returned.
  • Shipping Labels: Included are images of the shipping labels used for the order, showing accurate tracking and delivery information.
  • Communication: Attached are screenshots of the communications between the customer and me, demonstrating my attempts to resolve the issue.
  • Delivery Proof: Attached is the proof of delivery, confirming that the item was delivered on [Delivery Date].
  • Other Relevant Documents: [List any other documents or evidence you have included that support your case.]
  • Additional Information:

(Sample Additional Information:)

  1. I shipped the product on time and provided a valid tracking number.
  2. The product returned by the customer does not match the product I originally shipped.
  3. The product returned by the customer has been used and is not in a resalable condition.)

This evidence clearly demonstrates that the claim should be reconsidered. I kindly request that you re-investigate this matter and consider reversing the initial decision.

Thank you for your attention to this appeal. I look forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Seller ID]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Business Name]


  • Photos of shipped and returned products
  • Shipping labels
  • Communication with the customer
  • Proof of delivery
  • Any other relevant documents

More Guides For Beginner Amazon Sellers

Receiving an A-Z claim as an Amazon seller can be frustrating. However, remember that returns and losses are part of the retail business. The best way to deal with A-to-Z claims is prevention through listings that create realistic expectations, excellent customer service, and prompt communication. 

Now that you understand A-to-Z claim outcomes and appeal procedures for Amazon sellers, you can better manage disputes and protect your business.

For beginner Amazon sellers seeking further guidance, join my Beginner FBA Amazon Selling Course & Support Group! Don’t face all the ups and downs of Amazon selling alone. Our helpful and friendly community can help you through your Amazon Seller journey.

If you’d like to see how I deal with A-Z and Safe-T claims as I manage returns in real-time, watch the video version of this article: 

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